If you read about people who have had long marriages you will probably find out that they avoid certain things that could put their relationship in danger. The things that can destroy love and spell danger for any relationship are:
- SULKING. This is a big no, no because over time it can cause a great deal of resentment and result in total disrespect. If you need to get something off you chest then have a row and say what you feel but don’t allow yourself to be proud and sulk for days on end. It’s destructive and gets you nowhere!
- SARCASM. Nothing worse than being made to feel small and insignificant. This strategy is used precisely to make someone feel small. It’s cruel and unhelpful in any relationship and any feelings of satisfaction will be fleeting as the sarcasm will be returned and this then becomes a never ending round of spitefulness.
- JEALOUSY. Extremely negative and does nothing but cause tremendous pain and will, if not curbed, cause the breakdown of a marriage. If you feel jealous for whatever reason, you must talk about your fears and try to understand that this emotion is sometimes completely irrational and not based on anything real but is based on fear. Trust the person who loves you!
- INDIFFERENCE. Probably the most destructive thing of all! If you are both feeling indifferent to one another, you may as well end it now because there is nothing left. Don’t allow you relationship to get to this. [Source -Wedding Counselor, UK]
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